
更新動態 > 新聞:經過重重障礙捎來的信件-Mar2007(2)
Cal-128x128 新聞 來自RuneScape官方的新聞
Stickies-128x128 翻譯中... 本條目正在從其他語言內容翻譯成正體中文 歡迎您積極參與翻譯與修訂
This month is the Chaos Elemental’s birthday, and we’ve arranged for him to take over from the Wise Old Man this month, so the Wise Old Tips section is looking very chaotic.

Pete’s also bringing replies back from the Void Knights, the TzHaar, Port Phasmatys and Shanty Claws’s ship. At this rate, I don’t think Postie Pete is at any risk of putting on weight...

Click here to read the Postbag from the Hedge.
